- 05.10.2015

has hosted The fifth meeting of the Russia-Japan Advisory Council on Modernization of the Russian Economy was held in Tokyo on October 5. From the Russian side, the Council is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and from the Japanese side, by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Russian Federation Chikahito Harada.
Mr Dvorkovich noted that the parties have a wide choice of investment opportunities and expressed hope that all the projects would be implemented. The participants discussed projects in energy efficiency and energy saving, medicine, agriculture, urban environment and infrastructure and others areas. Mr Dvorkovich invited representatives of Japan to take part in the Open Innovations Forum in October 2015 and St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2016.
After the meetingMr Dvorkovich noted that currently co-operation is growing most activelys in agriculture and medicine and RUSNANO and Skolkovo Innovation Centre organized by the Russian government are operating actively. Projects with participation of the Russian regions, for example Tatarstan, are also being implemented.