- 04.10.2015

President of Taishi Group of Companies Igor Dyachenko took part in the XII International Forum for Science and Technology in Society (STS), which took place in Kyoto (Japan) on October 4, 2015.
Forum for Science and Technology in Society (STS) being held annually since 2004 aims to provide a new mechanism for open informal discussions and to build a human network that would resolve the new types of problems stemming from the application of modern science and technology. The forum addresses some of the most pressing problems the world faces today, including global warming, prevention of terrorism, control over infectious diseases, etc.
Traditionally, the forum attracted more than one thousand representatives of government, science and business from more than 100 countries.
The XX Forum was opened by the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe who said that Japan should become a country “where innovations appear one after another. We need a system where knowledge meets knowledge and where innovations attract more innovation ”.
Russia was represented by Deputy Prime Minister ArkadyDvorkovich, Chairman of the Russian-Japanese Business Council Alexey Repik, Chairman of the Board of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais.