Absolute success of Taishi is the achievements on the Asia-Pacific direction. After collapse of the Soviet Union, our company had to start building relations with countries of Asia-Pacific region almost “from scratch”, including relations with gaining considerable economic power China. It was necessary to determine the role and place of Taishi in the mosaic of regional ties, in relation to regional structures and companies.
One of the main tasks for our company is to help our partners to get rid of all sorts of phobias and to facilitate business development for broad attraction of foreign capital. China’s experience has convincingly demonstrated the effectiveness of such an approach without detriment to national interests and business. Foreign companies will encourage Russian companies to modernize, launch modern management and production methods, make their activities transparent.
Based on in-depth market research and expert assessments, Taishi provides comprehensive assistance in selection of target markets, taking into account the specifics of relevant consumer and specifics of purchasing behavior.
Taishi helps to bring product to market, writing it into the culture of consumption of a specific country, organizing and conducting effective advertising campaign involving residents of this country, taking into account the linguistic, ethnic and cultural nuances.